Une franchise de robotique offre une connaissance holistique de concepts tels que la mécanique, l'électronique, le codage et les microcontrôleurs.
La franchise Coding se concentre sur les compétences en programmation, avec des cours et des projets basés sur des logiciels, manquant de connaissances basées sur le matériel. Par exemple, HTML, C, C et Python.
La franchise AI comprend des cours basés sur l'IA tels que le traitement d'images, l'extraction d'informations, la classification automatisée, etc. en utilisant Python comme langage de base.
La franchise STEM comprend tous les cours avec des concepts pratiques en sciences naturelles, technologie, ingénierie et mathématiques. Par exemple, des projets simples basés sur des machines, des projets de chimie.
Pour les entrepreneurs qui souhaitent démarrer une entreprise en prenant une franchise, il est préférable d'opter pour une franchise Robotique plutôt que de rechercher séparément une franchise basée sur le codage, l'IA et les STEM.
Demande croissante de franchises robotiques en Inde et dans le monde
An investment of Rs. 3 to 5 Lakhs required for Franchise which includes franchise fees,kits,and expense to set up a training center.
Owned/rented space of minimum 300 sq. ft. to 1000 sq ft with seating arrangements for 15-30 students at the central location.
Training programs
school tie-ups workshop
Robotic kits
Robotics Lab
Angshuman Das: (Delhi)
" I have had a great experience with Mechatron Robotics so far. The policies are not very rigid and pretty flexible as per market and client requirement. I think I had made a right decision to be part of Mechatron Robotics Family."
I am a family man I live with my wife and seven-year-old son. I enjoy sports and exploring new places with my family.
The course curriculum offered by Mechatron Robotics is also very unique having core structure of Robotics i.e. Mechanics, Electronics, Arduino and Programming which is very much relevant to current and future education system. The overall Franchisee cost offered by Mechatron Robotics is also very competitive and there is no hidden cost.
I have had a great experience with Mechatron Robotics so far. The policies are not very rigid and pretty flexible as per market and client requirement. I think I had made a right decision to be part of Mechatron Robotics Family.
In coming years, we want to be one of the best Robotics institute in India. I also want to get associated with few schools to conduct workshop or regular classes and thus spreading the awareness about the company and brand value.
Seema Gupta: (Gurugram)
" I have always believed that STEM Education & Robotics is one of the great ways of creating interest among younger generation to learn and experiment. Mechatron Robotics does exactly that. I am really happy with their support for last 3 years now. Parents have now recognised us as a trusted training institute for their kids."
I did my BSc in electronics and had been a housewife before I started the franchisee of Mechatron Robotics. I love electronics & I am very passionate for anything related to creativity.
I personally believe that to understand anything the best way is to "learn by doing". I decided to choose Mechatron Robotics because their vision is same as mine. Their courses are really good they have really transformed the kids into technical genius.
My experience with Mechatron has been really great for last few years. We have a collaborative platform to discuss new ideas. They have been very encouraging at all times and open to ideas with answers to small/foolish questions. The overall environment is extremely supportive.
My short-term goal is to make my center one of the best in its domain and that’s what I want to focus on. I wish to provide a creative environment with structured content to students by opening more training centers in Gurgaon by partnering with schools and like-minded people.
Salome Chopde: (Pune)
" The core value to imbibe robotics & electronics skillset in children & the reputation of Mechatron Robotics is what made us associate with them in the first place."
I am person with varied interests. I have done MA in English, being associated with banking sector to name a few – Citi Bank, HDFC & Yes Bank, with 8 years of experience. I live with my family at Pune, Maharashtra. My hobbies include painting, arts & crafts, artistically creating wealth out of waste and passionate about cooking exclusive cuisines and exploring new places through travelling with kids.
I aspire to spread the awareness around the importance of Robotics and benefits out of it to all school students in my region so that it will help them in their future studies and career path. There are multiple reasons I decided to go with them but primarily their reputation and core value to imbibe robotics skillset in children is what drew me towards it.
Yes, we have made the right decision and the experience has been positive to work with Mechatron team. We get all the supports and input which makes the working environment great.
I wish to sustain this partnership with Mechatron Robotics and share knowledge on robotics and artificial intelligence with young children & encourage them to take interest in these topics.
Shalini Bhushan: (Dehradun)
" I hope to establish Mechatron Robotics as the leading education provider & holistic development tool for children in Dehradun. The entire team has been extremely supportive and transparent right from the beginning."
I am a mother, a homemaker & an entrepreneur! A back-end corporate executive, who quit role post marriage and brought up the new family. An avid chatter & fun loving person who can sit at home doing nothing or go out and face the world single handedly.
They have very good response time and respond to our queries very quickly which is very important. Their content is very good, it covers all the important areas like coding, electronics, app development, mechanical design, python etc. They are transparent from the beginning and have no hidden costs or terms.
The experience has been good till now. They have come across as someone who are confident of who they are and what they do supplementing our thought and energies.
I hope to establish Mechatron Robotics as the leading education provider & holistic development tool for children in our region i.e Dehradun. We hope to benefit a larger section of the society with these courses.
Ranajit patil: (Pune)
" There are many robotics classes and institutes out in the market, but what made me more attracted towards this is the structure of course and the maintenance of each students progress towards betterment. I have always received proper assistance for training, marketing of upcoming workshops and guidance to make relationship with schools. The team has very well trained trainers."
I completed my Btech and then M.Tech in design engineering, I have been always passionate about robotics so started to work on it from my engineering days and won lot of competitions in robotics such as robotic race, war of robotics etc. I have a loving mother and my younger sister in my family. I like playing chess with my friends and also love to read books.
There are many robotics classes and institutes in the market now, but what made me more attracted towards this is the structure of course and the focus on each student’s progress towards betterment. The work done by the trainers of Mechatron Robotics for student’s growth of knowledge is really appreciable.
I have experienced a nice & supporting staff at Mechatron robotics. I would like to express my special thanks to Siddharth Sir for his dedicated support towards the growth of STEM partners.
I want to take this platform towards the extreme success by increasing the students’ Knowledge in the field of robotics & technology.
Shweta Parode: (Pune)
" We have been able to develop a motivating culture among trainers, students and parents which is really great. Everyone in the team has a feeling of ownership and have been supporting activities for smooth operation of the business."
I have done ME in Electronics (Embedded & VLSI Design). I like Singing & exploring new places. I wanted to start an educational business where we can provide all the latest technologies to the young kids of India.
I have always enjoyed spreading the technical awareness among young kids. I chose Mechatron as they are famous for providing education in robotics and technological courses. They have really good courses pattern & syllabus for the students which is holistic and covers different areas under robotics.
We have been able to develop a culture among trainers, students and parents which is really great. Everyone in the team has a feeling of ownership and have been supporting activities for smooth operation of the business. They have been very transparent right from the beginning so it’s a good experience overall.
I wish we could spread more awareness of robotics related activities & its benefits to young generation. I wish to reach out to more children and make them the innovators from a very young age.
Nous avons défini des indicateurs clés de performance (KPI) pour chaque centre afin d'assurer une croissance saine de l'entreprise. Il n'y a pas de pénalité en cas de non-atteinte de l'objectif, mais il est recommandé de l'atteindre pour maintenir un flux de revenus sain et être rentable.
Oui, nous assurerons la formation des cours souscrits après l'intégration de la franchise et elle est incluse dans les frais.
Pour les cours hors ligne, la tranche d'âge de départ est de 6 ans et pour les cours en ligne, nous acceptons les enfants de 7 ans et plus. En général, après avoir suivi un cours d'essai, nous pouvons décider si l'élève est capable de comprendre les concepts ou non, et à quel niveau il est le plus adapté.
Nous offrons un support marketing numérique complet pour générer des prospects. Cela comprend la conception de campagnes, la conception de vidéos promotionnelles et le suivi des campagnes menées sur diverses plateformes de médias sociaux. Cependant, la franchise doit noter qu'elle doit dépenser de l'argent pour la publicité et assurer le suivi des prospects pour les convertir.
Il est préférable que vous suiviez vous-même la formation. Cependant, si vous n'avez pas de formation technique ou d'ingénierie, nous pouvons vous aider à trouver un formateur approprié possédant les compétences requises. Nous proposons ensuite une formation aux formateurs qui peuvent former les étudiants inscrits dans votre centre.
Oui, nous proposons également des cours pour les étudiants et les professionnels. Les cours généralement suivis par les étudiants sont l'électronique, les systèmes embarqués avec Arduino, Python avancé pour la science des données, le système d'exploitation des robots, l'IOT, Raspberry Pi et l'apprentissage automatique.
D'après nos études de marché, nous sommes les seuls à proposer un cours complet de 48 heures par cours pour les étudiants des écoles et des universités, avec 90 % de projets dans la plupart des cours. Nous suivons une méthodologie d'apprentissage basée sur des projets et fournissons aux étudiants des connaissances holistiques en matière de compétences techniques. Les cours comprennent non seulement le codage, mais aussi l'électronique, les microcontrôleurs, l'intelligence artificielle, la conception mécanique, Arduino, Python et bien d'autres encore.
Les revenus peuvent être générés principalement dans 4 domaines :
R Oui, le partage des revenus est calculé automatiquement par le portail sur une base mensuelle selon le pourcentage de partage des revenus qui est d'environ 15 %. La facture générée via le portail peut être payée par le partenaire à partir du portail lui-même.
Vos coûts fixes mensuels correspondraient principalement au salaire du personnel, qui comprend le formateur, le conseiller et le loyer du centre de formation.
Le retour sur investissement est le rapport entre le bénéfice net et le coût total de l'investissement. Sur la base de notre expérience passée, nous avons constaté que nos partenaires franchisés avaient un retour sur investissement de près de 40 à 60 %. Envisagez également une période de récupération de l'investissement de 12 à 15 mois en fonction de vos performances.
Nous fournissons un support marketing de bout en bout. Par exemple :
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